Seahawks’ Michael Bennett Plans to Start a Team Book Club

Seahawks' Michael Bennett pic
Seahawks’ Michael Bennett

The Founding Director of the Yale Cardiovascular Research Center, Michael Simons received his medical training at the Yale School of Medicine, where he graduated cum laude. In his free time, Michael Simons follows professional football and is a fan of the Seattle Seahawks.

The Seahawks are currently preparing for the season. While the rest of the team is practicing for games, one member is preparing for another activity off the football field.

Defensive end Michael Bennett has stated his intentions of forming a book club this season as a form of team bonding. Bennett has already chosen Malcolm Gladwell’s nonfiction book Outliers as the first book for his teammates to read. Bennett hopes to inspire his fellow players to get off their phones and immerse themselves in the recommended books.

This initiative is supported by the Seahawks’ vice president of player engagement, Maurice Kelly, who told ESPN that he hopes the players will take this challenge. Bennett and Kelly expect the book club to pave the way for discussions of non-football topics such as relevant social issues.